He Will Be There!
And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? What shall I say unto them? 14And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. (Exodus 3:13-14)
Moses went from life as an Egyptian prince to a Midianite shepherd. As a prince, he had everything done for him. He was the famous son of an Egyptian princess. As a shepherd he had to do everything for himself; he was holding the very job he had been taught to despise. (Genesis 46:32-34) Going from prince to shepherd, Moses was being trained for leadership, and also learning about the ways of the people of whom he would be leading. Although he probably didn't appreciate this, God was getting him ready to free Israel from Pharaoh̢۪s grasp. God spoke to Moses from an unexpected source; a burning bush. There are times in our lives that God will speak to us in unexpected sources. It could be through people; thoughts; experiences. Whatever the source is, don't be afraid to turn aside or rather investigate what is being presented to you. Be open to God's surprises.
God had heard the cry of His people, and now He would send a deliverer; Moses. Moses asked God in verse 13, when the children of Israel shall ask what is the name of this god, what should I tell them? The Egyptians had many gods by different names. Moses wanted to know to know God's name so that the Hebrew people would know exactly who had sent him to them. God called Himself; I AM. This name describes His eternal power and unchangeable character. Psalms 46:1 say: "God is our refuge and strength, a verypresent help in trouble." When God called Himself I AM, He was declaring that He was always in their present. He could have said I Was, but that would have put Him only in their past. He could have said I WILL BE, but that would have made Him God of their future. I AM puts God where we need Him in their present situation; their present circumstance¦their present dilemma!
Knowing that God is unchanging, gives us stability and security in a world where values, morals and laws change constantly. The God who appeared unto Moses is the same God who can and does live in us today. Hebrews 13:6 says God is the same yesterday, and today and forever. Because God's nature is stable and trustworthy, we are free to follow and enjoy Him rather then spend time trying to figure Him out. If we know that God is going to be there in times when we need Him, why try to figure Him out. Why not just trust Him. Just like the children of Israel, God hears our cry and sends deliverance. The people had waited a long time for God's promise of bringing the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt (Genesis 15:16), but He did bring them out. We often hear the saying: "He may not come when you want Him, but He is always on time." When you feel that God has forgotten you in your present distress, remember that God has a time schedule, and without a doubt; He will be there!
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