Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Love of God

The Love of God

Most Christians agree that God loves them. We hear catch phrases about this in the church today, and believers often recite Bible verses on this topic. Yet do we really grasp what it means to be cared for in this way by the Creator of the universe?
Let’s explore three aspects of God’s love. First, it is uninfluenced by anything within or around us. We know that even while we were still living in sin, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8); there is simply no greater sacrifice. Nothing we do can hinder God’s love for us—and coming to that realization should lift a burden off your shoulders.
Second, divine love is eternal. Believers will never be separated from it. In fact, Ephesians 1:4 tells us that the Father chose us before the foundation of the world. We know, therefore, that His care for us has always been a fact—and always will be.
Third, we know that God’s love is part of His character (1 John 4:8) and directed toward all people (Matt. 5:45). Yet believers experience it differently from those who do not follow Jesus. Consider what would happen if a patio umbrella shielded part of a garden. When it rains, some flowers might be surrounded by water without actually getting wet. Similarly, a person who doesn’t have a relationship with God isn’t impacted by His love, though it exists and is available.
We can trust the One who loves us intensely and completely. Jesus proved this by dying in our place to spare us the consequences of our sin. He promises to stay with us always and redirects us when we stray. Though we do not always feel His love, it surrounds and protects us forever.

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