Thursday, May 26, 2011

Influential Women Of The Bible: Huldah

Influential Women Of The Bible: Huldah

Huldah’s story is found in 2 Kings 22:13-20.

Huldah was a married prophetess living in Jerusalem during the time of the prophets Jeremiah and Zephaniah. She also lived during the reign of King Josiah. She was regarded as a prophetess accustomed to speaking the word of God directly to high priests and royal officials. During renovations at Solomon’s Temple, the Book of the Law was discovered that the previous generation had neglected. King Josiah sent his officers to consult the prophetess Huldah to verify the authenticity of the Book and to seek counsel. She prophesied that divine judgment would fall on Judah for their failure to follow the book, but that Josiah would be spared because he humbled himself before the Lord. She declared that destruction would come after Josiah’s death and that he would be buried in peace. After receiving Huldah’s advice and counsel, King Josiah carried out religious reform in Jerusalem.

Huldah was a woman who was used by God to deliver an unpopular message. She had to prophecy judgment during a time of national wickedness. Judah had neglected the House of God and had forgotten and forsaken the Book of the Law of God. Even though Josiah’s father was wicked, Josiah decided to serve the Lord. He immediately began to reform the nation. First he began to renovate the temple. Then, after finding the Book of the Law, he needed to hear from God so he sought after the prophetess Huldah. Wickedness doesn’t come without a price. Huldah’s message would not be a good one for the nation. She doesn’t know how the people may respond but she courageously speaks out and delivers the message. Even though eventually Judah would be destroyed, for the sake of Josiah, it would be spared. Her message of judgment brought a national revival! It caused the nation to repent and turn back to God.

My sister, maybe God is dealing with you today to give someone an unpopular message. It may be someone who is on a pathway of destruction. You may be holding back because you are afraid how they may react. You may not always know how people may react when you speak out for God and encourage people to turn back to him. God is not holding you responsible for the results. He is holding you responsible for your obedience and actions. Like Huldah, be bold and courageous. The person that God is leading you to is ready to repent. They are just waiting for you to bring a tough message of repentance. When people repent, God responds. It only takes someone with the courage to speak out with the truth to bring repentance and spark a revival.

(From series, “Influential Women of the Bible” by Pastor Steven R. Williams, Sr.)

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