Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Reconciling God's Love and Justice

Reconciling God's Love and Justice

Psalm 33:4-5

Some people reject the message of salvation because they are offended by the Bible's description of God's wrath. Even believers struggle to reconcile the Lord's love and justice. How can He at the same time be perfectly loving and perfectly just? In an attempt to come to terms with this dilemma, we often try to soften the message of judgment and instead emphasize the Father's loving qualities. But love and justice are not contradictory terms. In fact, you can't have one without the other.
God's love brings good into our lives. But if there is no justice, sin runs rampant and causes untold pain and suffering. No one thinks a judge is loving when he refuses to punish guilty criminals. To set them loose in society is not healthy for either the wrongdoer or the community.  In the same way, our loving heavenly Father cannot allow sin to go unpunished.
But this presents an even bigger dilemma for mankind. We are all guilty before a holy God. That is why Christ came to earth. He bore divine wrath for all our sins so that the Father could be both just and forgiving. His justice was satisfied by the most loving act of all time—Christ's death on the cross. Now those who by faith accept Jesus' offer of salvation will never experience punishment for their sins.
Although in heaven believers will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, there will be no reason to fear. Our judgment has the purpose of determining rewards, not dishing out punishment. Out of gratitude, we should prepare now for that time by living for the Lord every day.

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