Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When We Act Deceptively

When We Act Deceptively

2 Samuel 11:1-27

From his youth, King David was a committed follower of God. Yet there was a time when this devoted believer gave in to temptation and committed adultery with Uriah's wife. His walk of integrity was severely compromised.
Ethical and moral failings have beset Christians throughout the ages. When a believer decides to do whatever it takes to obtain something he wants, then selfishness or greed is the root cause. At other times the desire for acceptance can tempt us to manipulate people and circumstances—or fabricate lies in order to seem more desirable. And fear of conflict can result in compromised standards; many people try to fit in so they can avoid arguments.
At first, even those close to us may not notice our deception. But God sees. He will use our conscience to produce guilty feelings so we might confess our sin and turn from it. Self-protection will take over if we continue in unrighteousness—we will try to quiet our conscience by justifying the behavior. Over time, we will draw away from certain people so they won't discover our ungodly behavior. By keeping them at a distance, we hope to avoid their scrutiny. Habitual sin may result in lost job opportunities, damaged friendships, and broken families.
When confronted by Nathan, David recognized his sin, acknowledged it, and received forgiveness (2 Sam. 12:13). How do you respond when the Holy Spirit convicts you of ungodliness? Do you see the reality of your behavior and repent? Or do you try to justify and persist in your conduct?

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